About Us

gustacorporation.com / abrahamgustaveart.shop is a combination between the business side and the artistry side of Abraham Markens Ghisnor GUSTAVE.
A College Drop Out but most importantly a learner; who has decided to share his Point of View online through a platform on which he is allowed to Write and Make Money at the same time.
If you didn't notice, I am Abraham.
Through this Online Store I expose my best Pieces of Art and I speak on my Deepest Thoughts; Pieces of art that can change the look of a room, and thoughts that change the mindset of someone.
with Gusta Corporation, I developed a business system with my businesses and collaboration with others. We do not depend on each other but we choose to collaborate with each other because we know together we are stronger.
with Abraham Gustave Art, I expose my Art through thoughts, designs and Photography. I expose them on Products such as Clothes, Hats, Mugs, Wall Art etc. which are accompanied with a short or long text, depends on the subject.
Buy from us, Invest with us, it doesn't matter, even by reading this text I'm already feeling supported by You. Thank You!